Valve Extender Types – And How to Install Them

Traveling around in your RV can be a huge adventure. Heading off to parts unknown, meeting new friends and discovering a lot of sweet spots can is a dream come true. But not having the right valve extender with you can add some problems to your plans. Here are a few things you need to know about them:

Tire Pressure with Valve Extenders

If you’re having a rough time dealing with valves on your tires—those small and stubby valves—no worries. You can use tire pressure valve extenders to help you get out of that pickle. With these valve extenders, you’ll have a much easier time trying to check for your tire pressure.

Tire Check Woes

It can be a bit of hard work to get access to all your valve stems. This is especially true if you have front wheel covers as well as rear dual wheels blocking your way. This can convince you to skip checking your tire pressure. But that could land you in a whole world of trouble if you aren’t careful. So don’t skip this. It might be a bit difficult to pull off, but it can keep your RV performing at tip-top shape on the road. Luckily, you can use valve extenders to solve this problem.

Valve Extender Types

There are two available types: front tire and rear tire valve extenders. Rear ones have two versions, the two house and four hose systems. You can use straight or curved tire pressure valve extenders. Installation is easy for these extenders. Just follow the instructions to a tee and you’ll get yours right in place in no time. If you want to make sure they’re installed properly, though, get experts to look over your work.

So make it easy on yourself to check out your tire pressure. Use extenders to help you out.

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