Get Extra Cash From a Junk Car Buyer in Chicago
When most people are trying to think of a way to get just a little extra cash, they don’t think about the car in their driveway that just isn’t running anymore. Most people think they’re going to need to have the junk car towed to a scrapyard and pay to drop it off there. While it’s possible to do that, it’s a far better idea to contact a Junk Car Buyer in Chicago.
Junk car buyers aren’t going to charge a person to tow a car to their lot. In fact, they want the car in one piece, even if it isn’t working anymore. They’ll arrive at the person’s home and assess the vehicle. They’ll then tell the person how much they will pay for the vehicle. If the person agrees, the junk car buyer will pay the person and tow the car away. This gives the person a little bit of extra cash for the vehicle they weren’t using anymore anyways and gives them the chance to get it out of their yard.
The Junk Car Buyer in Chicago is going to tow the car to their shop. There, they’ll remove any working parts and resell them to anyone who needs them. If some parts are no longer working but can be restored, they’ll restore the parts and make them available for sale. Any parts that are damaged beyond repair will be recycled if possible. Very little, if any, of the car is going to end up in a landfill. This means the person selling the car can feel good about helping others get the parts they need and saving the car from sitting in a landfill for years. Visit here for further information.
Old junk cars don’t need to just sit around until the person finally takes them to the scrapyard. Instead, the person can make one quick phone call and get a few hundred bucks for a vehicle they wouldn’t have been able to sell anyways. If you’re interested in getting a little bit of extra money for your broken-down car, contact Frank’s West Side Auto Parts Inc. today and see how they can help.