Do You Live In Chicagoland And Have Thoughts About Buying A Chevrolet?

Let’s say by way of example that you happen to live in the Chicago suburban village of New Lenox and the commute to your place of work is some 36 miles to downtown Chicago. You do have some choices (other than to find a closer workplace or move house nearer to your work).

Public Transport

There are two Metropolitan Rail Corporation (Metra) stations in your village – however, Metra has the unenviable (from a commuter’s viewpoint) reputation of being one of the top four busiest commuter rail networks (it is the busiest one outside of the New York City metropolitan area). On one day in 2010, Metra carried 429,000 passengers and they average around 83.4 million per year. Overcrowding during rush hours is to be expected for both your inward and outward rides. No doubt the service is better on Metra than on the old Rock Island Railroad (which ran between Chicago and Rock Island, Illinois and was an integral part of the founding of what is now New Lenox); but, do you really want to be on it every working day?

Use Your Car

If you already have to undertake a road commute from your home to the railway station; buses will also be crowded so you might have someone take you to the station in your own car and meet you again in the evening. This invariably leads to the question of “what not drive all the way to work?”

To commute by car you obviously need two things – a reliable motor vehicle and somewhere to park it up while you are at work. The first part is easy; you either own one already or you go out and buy one. Obtaining a regular parking space might not be quite so easy.

Buying The Car

A compact might be the most sensible for commuting; but, what if you plan to use it for other things? The final choice over type will have to be carefully considered in relation to your overall needs and budget.

Whatever you do decide on; it is almost a certainty that you will be able to find it on the extensive range of vehicles produced by the Chevrolet division of General Motors. Back in history they boasted “a car for every purse and purpose” and that still holds good to this day. If you believe in the bowtie motif; you should check out the numerous Chevy Dealers For New Lenox. You might well find the best buys to come from someone like Hawk Chevrolet Cadillac of Joliet.

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