Alloy wheels are flashy but might be hard to repair
Old car or brand new car; nothing makes the vehicle look better than flashy alloy wheels and low-profile tires. Although there is no getting away from the fact that sleek band of black rubber wrapped around a highly polished wheel is great, this combination can also be problematic. With low profile tires the wheel rim is lower to the ground and more susceptible to damage from potholes and high curbs and when this happens you are faced with wheels that no longer have the same appeal and wheel rim repairs become necessary.
Ruining the looks of your prized wheels is bad enough but to make it worse, the wheel can easily have cost $1,000 or even more. Wheel rim repairs can be done if the damage is curb rash, in the event you hit a pothole at speed you might be faced with a bent wheel or a wheel that has had a couple of inches of the rim lip broken off, should this happen you are jeopardizing the safety of the vehicle and the people in it.
There are only so many options when this happens; you can replace the wheel with an identical wheel if you can locate one which is not always easy, you can replace all four at an huge unnecessary expense or you can have wheel rim repairs made.
If the car is two or three years old and was fitted with aftermarket alloy wheels chances of finding a replacement is remote, there is a tendency within the industry to put new designs on the market at a rapid pace. You may be able to find the exact wheel at an automobile grave-yard or on the internet but in the meantime your car is off the road. If you are a true automobile aficionado there is no way that you would put one odd wheel on your car and buying four new ones really does not make a great deal of economic sense.
Because the problem is quite prevalent many shops have popped up that offer wheel rim repairs, they state that they can take an alloy wheel, regardless of its condition, and return it to its almost as –new condition.
There is a forth approach to wheel rim repairs that is not yet being spoken about; don’t let it happen in the first place. There are products readily available in shops and on the internet that are designed to be installed on the rim surface. This polymer “skins” are simple to install, provide great protection and even cover scratches that already exist.
Contact us today for long lasting wheel rim repairs